Maggie whelped 4 beautiful puppies last Sunday. Three girls and one boy! Maggie is black and white and Stora is red so I had no idea what we’d get. I actually figured all black and white because it is a dominant color combination. But it turns out three have more red than black! The fourth, a much smaller little girl, is black and white like her mama.

Maggie’s puppies at about 3 hours old.

Maggie wins the Pontiac Kennel Club’s Winners Bitch May 26, 2016 under Judge Betsy Dale in Kalamazoo Michigan.

This is the handsome Stora, owned by Lorrie Jergensen, in Punta Gorda Florida.

This is our little boy…second in the birth order.

First born, this little girl is a pretty red sable and white.

Never underestimate this girl’s size. She latched onto Maggie’s nipples right away and I predict will catch up to her siblings in no time! Black and white.

Last, but not least, is our pretty red and white girl.

Puppies at 5 days old. Look how they have already filled out!