Nearly all the puppies’ eyes are open now. A pretty translusent blue….like a Northern lake just after a spring rain. While they can’t distinguish much besides shadows at this point it must give them a whole new perspective and certainly more reason to explore their whelping box.
They still spend all their time with Maxi. Don’t seem to be nursing quite as much but still gaining beautifully. The first three weeks are the easiest for the breeder as the mother does all the cleanup! In another week or so they will begin eating mush in between meals with mom. That’s when the real work begins.
Still I love this stage because they are beginning to stand on their wobbly legs and make lots of protest yips. Such a sweet sound.
My daughter Jenny stopped by this morning to help me take some photos. Here they are with new weights.
Maxi wasn’t so sure about all this so we had to reassure her we’d take good care of her babies while they were out of the whelping box! This is Puppy 1 |
Puppy 1 again. Black and white with one spot on her side that you can see below. She now weighs 13 7/8 ounces |
Puppy 2 is also black and white. His eyes are wide open and he’s developing some more silver on his face. Sweet markings! He weighs 12 1/8 ounces. You can see his markings below. |
Puppy 3 is very sweet. Eyes almost wide open. She is getting more black on her nose and some brown cheeks and eyebrows. Weighs 11 7/8 ounces. |
This is our little Irish Pied boy. Lots of black markings. Weighs 13 1/2 ounces. |
Puppy #5 is our smallest one but still very healthy and strong. I expect her eyes to begin to open tomorrow. She is a soft sable and white girl that now weighs 9 3/8 ounces. |
Puppy #6 is a sable and white with a beautiful face and four distinct spots on her back. Her eyes are almost open wide and she weighs 12 5/8 ounces. You can see more of her markings below. |
Puppy seven has his eyes open. He’s black and white with two large patches on his back. He weighs 12 1/4 ounces. You can see his sweet face below. |
And puppy #8 seems to be getting more white on her face. I love the white tip on her right ear! She is sable and white and has a patch on her back as well. She weighs 10 1/2 ounces. |