Kristoff and Tiana mouthing each other while Balloo watches.

Tiana is manding!

Tiana and her new ball.

Tiana says, “Mine!”

Good boy Eric!

Balloo (top), Olaf (1 o’clock), Tiana (4 o’clock) and Mickey.

Kristoff (upper left), Tinker Bell (top) Tiana (top right), Naveen (middle right), Olaf (middle middle), Eric (at the water bowl). Then left to right across the bottom Balloo, Moana and Mickey.

Beginners’ version of manding!

Olaf (top), Mickey, Moana and Balloo (left to right in the middle) all out of Luna and Tiana (bottom-out of Tango)

(Clockwise from the top) TinkerBell, Eric, Naveen and Kristoff all out of Tango.