Fern’s Boy Puppy
This is Fern’s boy puppy. Both of her pups have eyes open now and their pink noses are almost all blackened.
This is Fern’s boy puppy. Both of her pups have eyes open now and their pink noses are almost all blackened.
It is so hard now to capture a single photo of these pups that I am going to post videos for you all to enjoy.
This one is Fern’s girl puppy.
Fern and Marco’s puppies are growing fast. Sadly, one of them did not survive his first week. Unable to nurse, I tried to bottle feed him but something was wrong because he kept losing weight. Broke heart. This is the hardest part of dog breeding. Fortunately it doesn’t happen too often. And it is a birth defect that is not going to affect the other two puppies.
As you can see, they are very healthy and gaining tremendously! I can’t believe they are almost 2 weeks old. Eyes should be opening any day now. I guess it’s time to give them names!
Fern boy is on the right and the girl is on the left
Puppy Love!
Fern and Tango both delivered their puppies one day apart so it’s been a very busy time!
Moms and puppies are all healthy, eating well and happy!
Fern delivered three puppies, all brown and white. One girl and two boys. Sire is Marco, AKC GCH Prairiwinds N Lordocs Marco Island
Tango delivered four puppies. The firstborn is a boy…all white, just like grandma Lily. The other three are girls and are mostly dark brown with white markings. Sire is our Tiger, AKC CH A Tiger’s in Carneys Garden, Oh My! One of the three girls is very small so she is nursing off Fern who seems to have more milk.
This is Papa Marco with his professional handler.
This is Tiger, sire of Tango’s litter
This is Fern with her puppies.
And this is Tango with her babies. The all white boy is on the left of photo 2.
It’s been a little crazy around here but I promise I’ll get individual photos up in the next few days.