Aster and Joey Have Some Beautiful Babies!

Aster delivered her puppies on June 1, right on schedule!! Not only that but she delivered 7 puppies in record time…2 hours!! Not only that but she delivered in the afternoon!! And every single pup is healthy!!! Thank you Aster!!


Aren’t they beautiful?


This is Joey. Also known as CH Zona Rosa’s No Ordinary Joe.

This is Aster For Aster’s Health Records and parentage click here.

For Aster’s Health Records and parentage click here.

For Joey’s Health Records and parentage click here.






Tinkerbell and Tiana from our Disney Litters

I am going to try and do some focus photos and two videos of two puppies at a time. A different post for the next four days. We’ll see how it goes. Starting with Tinkerbell and Tiana, both Tango/Woody puppies. Both girls.

Tiana….see her white tail tip?

Tinkerbell….more white around her nose.

Tiana is a little darker and has the tiny white tip on her tail. Enjoy!