Puppies Have Arrived!

Luna delivered 6 beautiful puppies on Monday. I should actually say my vet delivered them as she had a c-section! LOL.

She has recovered extremely well and is one of the most attentive puppy moms I have had. To the point of moving them to a different place in my bedroom if she isn’t happy with the whelping box. It took some convincing to ensure her that the whelping box is really the best place. Amazing how those canine instincts come into play.











Puppies are getting their Day 4 weigh ins! The two sables are girls.

The black parti (left) is a girl.

The two mostly black pups are boys.



And the mostly white one is a girl.






Struggling with names so stay tuned on that!

We have already begun our Puppy Culture protocol. This week is fairly simple. Gentle handling, belly rubs and soothing voice (which they probably cant hear yet but they still get the ‘vibes’.


Lots of Obstacles to Spice Things Up!

I try to introduce several obstacles to the puppy play area each day now.

It builds confidence and adds a little variety to their life!

Also note their “play growling”. This is their way of asserting themselves within the pack. It never escalates but is awfully cute!

Face Shots And More!

Our boy, Casper


Buffy getting some Puppy Culture neurological practice.



Buffy’s face looks just like Casper except she has some sable on her right leg.

Agatha gettingĀ  Puppy Culture Neurological practice.


Glenda weighing in…254 grams.

Morticia’s turn.


Glenda…what a sweet face!

Glenda. Puppy Culture protocol. This is a VERY soft hold, I promise!

Agatha’s pretty markings.

Random Photos

Kristoff and Tiana mouthing each other while Balloo watches.

Tiana is manding!

Tiana and her new ball.

Tiana says, “Mine!”

Good boy Eric!

Balloo (top), Olaf (1 o’clock), Tiana (4 o’clock) and Mickey.







Kristoff (upper left), Tinker Bell (top) Tiana (top right), Naveen (middle right), Olaf (middle middle), Eric (at the water bowl). Then left to right across the bottom Balloo, Moana and Mickey.

Beginners’ version of manding!

Olaf (top), Mickey, Moana and Balloo (left to right in the middle) all out of Luna and Tiana (bottom-out of Tango)

(Clockwise from the top) TinkerBell, Eric, Naveen and Kristoff all out of Tango.

Almost Three Weeks and Look How We Have Grown!

Luna’s pups will be 3 weeks old Wednesday. Look how big they are already. I have moved them onto a sherpa style bedding now so that they get better purchase when they walk around. It is not good for their joints to be slipping and sliding a lot at this age. Left to right we have Mickey, Baloo, Olaf and Moana.












Just two days older we have Tango’s puppies in the video. What a difference, right?

About 20 seconds in we have Eric rolling into the water bowl, sisters TinkerBell and Tiana are having a serious “conversation”. Kristoff (mostly white) and Naveen are in the upper right.
