Havanese Puppy Update: Dew

Dew left for her forever home on September 10. She had a very long trip as her (formerly Michigan) family was driving to their home in Jupiter Florida! As you will read below, she fared quite well on the journey. Here’s what her family says about Dew along with some of their photos.


We returned to Jupiter on Friday evening about 8.  She did great!  The puppy pads worked great in the hotel and car.  We have named her “Maizie” – Bob attended the University of Michigan and we thought since she was Michigan it would fit.  She knows her name as you can imagine.  She’s very smart and you were right about wanting to get her way.  I have attached a few pictures.  Bob is really involved in the training.  Lots of fun!

Thanks again!

Beth . . . and Bob

Her space in Bob’s office.  We move the bed to our room at night.  She’s sleeping until 5:30.  We have a bell on the front door and will begin that training soon.

Walking with Bob on our road trip home.  She loves to walk.  I have figured out the harness and we walk down the street in the morning.

She rode in the carrier most of the way and slept in it at the hotel.

In the hotel.

I’ll send more as she grows.