Sometimes It’s OK to Fool Mother Nature

Maxi’s fuller teats are towards her rump.

I generally do not like to interfere with Mother Nature. But sometimes empathy gets the better of me. So, for instance, I do my darnedest to revive listless puppies. I warm them up, rub them vigorously with a terrycloth towel, and watch for any sign of life before giving up on them. If, even then, the puppy does not survive I force myself to believe it is for the best. Some pups just aren’t born healthy enough to have a happy life.

Now, for those little ones that do survive I, again, will intervene several times a day. That is, I put them on the better teats. Not all teats, as most nursing human mothers will tell you, are created equal. Some produce better than others.

Here you can see the size differential between the two preemies on bottom and their larger brothers!

And, since the larger pups will naturally gravitate to the fuller teats, I will gently move them over so the little ones can get their fill. This also provides strong stimulation for the smaller teats which will, in turn, produce more milk. It’s a win-win.

This little guy’s nose is still totally pink!

Chances our two littlest guys will never reach the size of the larger puppies. But given a little intervention, they will not only benefit from all the nutrients in Maxi’s milk but get their fair share!

Day 6

I am beginning to relax about the tiny ones and can now focus on Phoebe who is due today. Her puppies have “dropped” and her tummy is firm. I’ve taken her temp a few times…supposedly if it drops below 100 degrees F the bitch will deliver within 24 hours. However, Phoebe’s has been under 100 for several days now…just like it was for her last healthy litter…so I am not too concerned.

See how the nose color is changing

A post breakfast nap

Very proud Mama!

A different kind of sleepover

Happy Bellies!

It has been hotter than Hades here in Michigan. A record summer I’m sure. Today we are grateful for temps in the high eighties. Thank goodness for air conditioning!

Happy Havanese Brothers

Maxi’s pups noses are beginning to darken. I love the pink noses and toes. Losing the pinkiness is just part of the process. I’m just going to post a few pictures so you can see how strong they are all getting. Full tummies, sleeping in a bundle and their little whimperings all make for a happy breeder.

First Day Without a Bottle

How sweet is this? Asleep at the “table.”

I can’t get enough of pink toes and tummys

This was our first full day without any bottle supplements and I am happy to report everyone is still gaining. Of course I intervene a bit by giving the tiniest ones first pick of the fullest nipples before letting the big brothers into the “kitchen.”

Newborns are not able to control their bladders yet.  .
Maxi is a good mother. She keeps her puppies clean which, in turn, stimulates them to urinate and deficate.

Puppies Are Thriving

We have been on a pretty exhausting routine. Up every three hours to make sure our tiny puppies get their nourishment. They are not too crazy about taking a bottle but do. I am relieved for that. Guess what, I’m not too crazy about waking up three times during the night. I can happily report that this afternoon it was apparent the puppies were gaining nicely on their own. All have gained almost 25% of their birth weight which is terrific and I can get a full night’s sleep tonight.

Maxi has decided that sometimes it is easier to nurse her

babies in a sitting position. Meanwhile, our one year old, Marli, has decided her big-sister job is to keep the clean towels warm!

I’ll take her to the Monroe Dog Show tomorrow where she will get her eyes CERF certified and will get tons of special attention from me and my friends in the Havanese Show World!