Puppy Pix Update

Morticia Weighs 2.3#

Lively Morticia!

Agatha weighs 2.7#

Agatha gets the “Looks Most Like Mom” award.

Glenda weighs 2.0#

Glenda close up. Love her eyes!

Casper weighs 3.1#….biggest of the bunch. He is such a love.

Buffy exhausted after a full morning of play! Gorgeous coat!

Buffy weighs 2.6#

Lots of Obstacles to Spice Things Up!

I try to introduce several obstacles to the puppy play area each day now.

It builds confidence and adds a little variety to their life!

Also note their “play growling”. This is their way of asserting themselves within the pack. It never escalates but is awfully cute!