I Learn Something (or a lot of things!) New Every Day

Doesn’t this make you just want to jump inside and play?
Then I discovered the entire website called
1. Supplement your dam with Omega 3 fatty acids for increased trainability in her pups.
Doesn’t this make you just want to jump inside and play?
Then I discovered the entire website called
1. Supplement your dam with Omega 3 fatty acids for increased trainability in her pups.
As you know by now, Lily’s pups are two days younger than Maxi’s. They are larger on average but only because they had more room in Lily’s womb. Things will even out eventually.
Pups also got pedicures and lots of kisses. Puppy breath is the best. The boys are still wearing their collars so I can tell them apart!
Photos aren’t the greatest, I know. But just wait until the pups are a little bigger.
Introducing our Blues Legends Litter (Potter and Maxi’s Pups) with names, weights and new photos.
All are doing quite well. I spent time with each puppy handling their paws and ears and rubbing their bellies. They also had their first nail trim. Lots of stretching and yawning going on and they are moving around like a herd of little guinea pigs!
This is when the fun begins.
We had a terrific storm here in southwest Florida last night but they never seemed to notice.
Puppy #1, a boy, is now Jimi (as in Hendrix!) and weighs 14.7 ounces.
Puppy #2, a girl, is now Etta (as in James) and weighs 1#, 2 oz.
Puppy #3, a girl, is now Billie (as in Holiday) and weighs 1#, 6.8 oz.
Puppy #4, a boy, is now Stevie Ray and weighs 1#, 7.3 oz.
Puppy #5, a boy, is now Eric for one of my all time favorites, Eric Clapton! He weighs 1# 2.3 oz.
Named Muddy for Muddy Waters, another Blues legend, this is Puppy #6, a boy. He weighs 15 oz.
Puppy #7, a girl, is now Tina. She weighs 1#8.2 oz.
Puppy #8, a girl, is now Janis. She also weighs 1#, 8.2 oz.
You betcha!!!
It is alsmost as if a child is another puppy, these Havanese are so smitten. And gentle.
Now, as young puppies…under one year…like all puppies, Havanese are exuberant. And in this state, their sharp little teeth might find the wrong “toy.” For that reason always, always supervise your puppy/toddler play. Once a puppy reaches a year, it will be different…for the puppy that is. Still, toddlers can also display inappropriate play (pulling an ear or a tail or a fistful of fur) and must be supervised until 5 years old or so.
Such beautiful puppies! Can’t wait to get them out and about. At Two weeks old these puppies are just beginning to explore their world beyond their mother. They are aware of other puppies in the whelping box. They make wonderful little sounds. Since they are still in my bedroom, these are sounds I go to sleep with each night. It is heavenly!
Will work in individual photos in a few days.