Time Flies–Time to Name the Puppies!

Puppies had their first pedicure today. Out of the eight, six were very cooperative. The other two are the ones who make all the noise–so no surprise there.

This is also the point in time where I am assembling names. Since the puppies were born the day before and on April 14 and 15 (two after midnight), we are calling this our Tax Day Litter!

Names we are considering so far are:

1. Carneys Best Deduction (Bess)
2. Carneys Rapid Refund (Rufus)
3. Carneys Maximum Return (Max)
4. Carneys Going For That Extension (Go-Go)
5. Carneys Lovin’ Uncle Sam (Sammy)
6. Carneys Turbo My Return (Turbo)
7. Carneys Filing Just In Time (Filer)
8. Carneys Better than A 401K (KK)
9. Carneys Me and the IRS (Iris)
10. Carneys Sugar Sweet Asset (Sugar)
11.Carneys Purest Profit (Essie)

 If you have any suggestions to add–please do so!

Also, if you are so inclined vote on your three favorites.

Day Ten

Puppies are all growing very fast. Phoebe is getting a homemade mix of ground chicken, brown rice and sweet potatoes. I’m supplementing that with adult dog kibble–Wellness brand–and cottage cheese. She is eating about five times a day–over double what she normally eats! Puppies noses are beginning to color in and their toe nails are hardening. Some are black and some are white–very cute!

At this point their eyes are still closed and they sleep on the heating pad about 90% of the time. When they are awake all they do is seek out Mom and eat. Phoebe is comfortable sleeping outside the litter box but won’t leave the room except to go outdoors. We might take a short walk today. I’m told it stimulates milk production.

Here are some photos to start your morning!