4 1/2 Weeks and Their World is Beginning to Expand

Fern/ Opie pups are having a blast. They paw and chew at each other. The explore their new pen. They learned to deal with having their nails trimmed. And, they are getting used to the clanging sounds of their dangling tin pails. All in a days work!



Meet The Incredibles!

It has been a productive week at Carneys Havanese Haven. Puppies are growing like crazy and, better yet, their eyes are beginning to open! And even better than that….they have names!!

Here are their 2-week birthday photos with names and weights!


This is Helen…AKA Elastigirl! She weighs 1#.06 ounces. Her eyes are still closed. She was the second puppy born and, of course, like Helen she is very special as the only girl in the family.

This is Bob, AKA Mr. Incredible. At this point he is the biggest puppy. Actually, he’s been the biggest puppy since day 1. He was born first and he weighs 1# 8.2 ounces!












This is Lucius, AKA Frozone! His eyes are wide open and he is a very active puppy! He weighs 1# .9 ounces. He came third!

This is Dash. His eyes were the first to open but he isn’t the biggest by any stretch. He weighs 1# 3.6. He is the darkest of the bunch.









And this is JackJack. Love his coloring! His nose is the first to start turning black and, as you can see…he can see!! Jack Jack weighs 1# 5.2 ounces. He was the last to be born. In fact, he took his sweet time arriving…five hours after Bob was born!

Fern and Opie are Parents!

Our beautiful Fern whelped 5 healthy, plump  babies October 14! All are gaining well (they actually started at a healthy 7 ounce average!) and actively moving around the whelping box. We have one girl and four boys. The girl is the white one below with the tan and white boy.

My thanks to my friend, Kathy Ambler, for letting Opie to sire such beautiful kids. I know they will be gorgeous!