Now We Have Names!

Maggie and Nelson’s puppies are growing so fast! And they LOVE to play!! Here are some individual photos with the names I’ve given them. For a lack of any other system I decided to name them after the color of their collars.

This is boy Rain, named for the pale blue collar he has. Rain was the firstborn and currently weighs 1#, 1oz.

This is girl Iris, named for her lavender collar. Iris was the second born and weighs 1#, 4oz.















This is Bubbles. She was the third born and wears a hot pink collar. She weighs 1#, 3oz.













This is Sky, fourth born with a royal blue collar. He weighs 1#, 2 oz.

This is Violet with a purple collar. She was the fifth born and is our smallest at 14 ounces.

Last but not least is Pickles with a bright green collar. He weighs 1#, 2oz.















At the Vet

This is Cinnamon. She’s going to live in Michigan.

This is Boston. He’s going to live 2 hours north of us in Florida.

Puppies took a field trip Friday to my vet. They were microchipped, got their first immunization for DHPP. They were thoroughly checked over, had a fecal exam,  got the bordetalla vaccine and dewormer. Everyone passed with flying colors! But they were exhausted when they returned home. Here are some pix.

This is Mattie. She’s going to stay with me for a while.

This is Foxy. She’s going to live in Michigan.

The vet techs loved the puppies! What’s not to love?

This is Twist. He’s going to live in Chicago.

At the vet. Check out Boston on the far right getting ready for a sneak attack!