Everyone’s Healthy!

We got our physicals from Dr. John Wilson’s Veterinary Clinic yesterday. Very busy afternoon!

Everyone passed with flying colors–great bites, no knee issues, no hernias and no heart murmurs.

Here are the weights–quite a range!

Katie–2 lbs, 4 oz.– SOLD!

 Filer–1 lb., 13 oz. — SOLD!

 Go Go–3 lbs, 4 oz.–SOLD!

Maxie–3 lbs. 5 oz.–SOLD!

Turbo–3 lbs. 14 oz.

Sammy–3 lbs. 7 oz.

Dee Dee 2 lbs., 11 oz.–On Reserve

Rapper–2 lbs. 11 oz.

Puppies Meet the Kids

What is the best way to raise puppies who greet strangers with kisses and wagging tails? 

1. Pick a breed known to enjoy the company of humans (like the Havanese).

2. Socialize, socialize, socialize.

Guess what we did Saturday?

Liam is very gentle with Sammy

 Luke and Filer with Mom Lesley

Bill, Liam and Filer

Bill, Liam and a patio of puppies

El and Luke
with the Puppies   
Puppies everywhere!!!

Big Field Trip Today!!

We went to have our ears tested today–
It is called the Baer Hearing Test.
Very high-tech!

You can check out the video
on the left of this page too!

Here is Rapper checking out the equipment!

Sammy wired and ready to go!

The microphone being held to Dee Dee’s right ear

Katie was such a sweetheart!

Phoebe getting wired

Phoebe is almost finished

It’s A Tough Job But….

Thought I’d share a few photos. Puppies are learning to pee on the piddle pad. Not too difficult. I just put it in the corner of their box where they already relieve themselves. Hopefully they will get the picture and continue to use the pad when they are in their x-pen.

They are still sleeping most of the day but when they are awake they are playing with their litter mates. It is so cute to see them challenging each other with their play growls then tipping over sideways before converting the growl into play bites. They always sleep in a huge pile which I find endearing and Phoebe is still quite protective of them when the big girls come around.

Puppy Breath has to be the best!   Or, maybe it’s Puppy Kisses!

Puppies sleeping after a busy morning nursing and socializing.We call this pose the Buddha Belly.

Meora meets a puppy and Phoebe gets a well deserved hug.

Time Flies–Time to Name the Puppies!

Puppies had their first pedicure today. Out of the eight, six were very cooperative. The other two are the ones who make all the noise–so no surprise there.

This is also the point in time where I am assembling names. Since the puppies were born the day before and on April 14 and 15 (two after midnight), we are calling this our Tax Day Litter!

Names we are considering so far are:

1. Carneys Best Deduction (Bess)
2. Carneys Rapid Refund (Rufus)
3. Carneys Maximum Return (Max)
4. Carneys Going For That Extension (Go-Go)
5. Carneys Lovin’ Uncle Sam (Sammy)
6. Carneys Turbo My Return (Turbo)
7. Carneys Filing Just In Time (Filer)
8. Carneys Better than A 401K (KK)
9. Carneys Me and the IRS (Iris)
10. Carneys Sugar Sweet Asset (Sugar)
11.Carneys Purest Profit (Essie)

 If you have any suggestions to add–please do so!

Also, if you are so inclined vote on your three favorites.