3 Weeks Old Now….So much has happened!

All of Sienna’s puppies now have eyes open! And are they ever motoring around their little casa!

We had our second dose of dewormer Sunday…and our second pedicure. I can’t say they are any more excited about the pedicures…it is a process!!

We have also started Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) which is the first step in making them stronger and more relaxed about challenges. You can read more about ENS here: https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/VA/VA-24-W.pdf

I have also removed the pig rails from their whelping box so they and Sienna have more room to move around. But it won’t be long before they will want an even bigger house…isn’t that always the way!!

All tuckered out after their first ENS session! Note the missing pig rails!

But the biggest news of all is that they LOVED their first plated meal…even if they weren’t sure about table manners! (No feet on the table please! LOL)

You might also notice the disposable pee pad that is now in their box. This is the beginning of potty training!! They don’t know yet what a wonderful opportunity pee pads present for the shredding game. That comes soon enough. In the meantime, their little pee scent will be on this pad which will soon be moved to a “litter box.” Stay tuned to this channel for more~!!

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