Getting Started With Good Grooming Habits

As soon as your Havanese puppy is three or four weeks old, start him off on the right foot–or left foot–by learning to accept your gentle massaging of his toes, his ears and his mouth. Lift his lips and look at his teeth. Lift his ears and look inside them. Stroke his hind quarters, his chest and his forehead with a small, soft brush, all the while giving him soothing talk and treats so he is accustomed to being handled.

You might also ask a friend to do the same so your puppy is used to strangers. All these motions will help your puppy be more relaxed at the veterinarians or on a show table with the judge.

It is a good idea to bathe your Havanese puppy weekly once he is six weeks old to get him used to the tub, the gently scrubbing and the rinsing. Hug him with the towel and give him lots of kisses so he associates this part of his day with lots of love.

Another important part of the grooming process is a pedicure. Good breeders will start clipping the puppy’s nails when it is a couple weeks old. Much easier on mom when the puppy is nursing and it also gets him used to the clippers. There are automatic, battery operated ones on the market too for owners who are skittish about clipping too close to the quick. Have a bar of soap handy. If you too clip too close, scrape a bit of soap on the nail to stop the bleeding.

Remember, if you enjoy this part of your puppy’s care he will too!

Birthday Party

Six puppies helped celebrate my daughter Jenny’s birthday. Her friend, Jen, has Filer and he was very happy to host his brothers and sisters. It is his last visit with DeeDee who is leaving us tomorrow. Her forever home is in Raleigh, North Carolina!

We have three boys left to place…Turbo, Rapper and Sammy.

Birthday Party!

Jenny blowing out the
candles on the beautiful
cake Alex decorated.

More Puppy Play

Books for New Puppy Owners

1. The Joyous Havanese by Kathryn Braund (Phoebe’s breeder!)

Probably only available online. You can Google it. A great all around guide to everything from the history of the breed to the steps of breeding to raising puppies. It then goes into the colors, the care of a puppy, grooming health issues and a little about performance events.

2. The Havanese by Diane Klumb with Joanne Baldwin DVM. Besides giving the breed’s history there is helpful information about choosing a puppy, getting off on the right foot, crating, potty training, feeding, grooming and more. This book is from a vet’s perspective as well as a breeder’s so it is more detailed in that regard.

3. For the Love of A Dog by Patricia B. McConnell, PhD. This is a recent publication that goes into ‘reading’ your dog’s facial Author has also written ‘The Other End of the Leash.’

4. The Perfect Puppy by Gwen Bailey is a great book that focuses only on the puppy stage of your dog’s life. Some chapter topics are the developmental stages and how to deal with them, housebreaking, socializing, toys and games, handling and grooming, discipline and how puppies learn.

5. Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Richard Pitcairn, DVM and Susan Hubble Pitcairn is, as the title implies, a holistic approach to many dog and cat health issues from creating a basic natural diet, creating a healthier environment for your pet, selecting a healthy pet, caring for the sick animal. It also gives a quick reference guide to many ailments including allergies, appetite issues, bladder problems and more.

Two more I like are:

6. Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats by Kymythy R. Schultze.

7. How to Speak Dog by Stanley Coren

Photo Update–Ten Weeks

This is Rapper–
   He is medium sized right now, is very frisky and loves to burrow in the hostas!

Maxi and Filer after a busy romp in the garden.

This is Turbo. His is the largest but the other boys are catching up.

He is a real lover boy. Loves to nestle on the grass next to us.

This is Sammy.  Understated and sweet…my little shadow.

Katie (left) and Turbo.

DeeDee. Got to love that face! She is beautiful.