Big Field Trip Today!!

We went to have our ears tested today–
It is called the Baer Hearing Test.
Very high-tech!

You can check out the video
on the left of this page too!

Here is Rapper checking out the equipment!

Sammy wired and ready to go!

The microphone being held to Dee Dee’s right ear

Katie was such a sweetheart!

Phoebe getting wired

Phoebe is almost finished

Time Flies Faster

…when the puppies are on their own. Phoebe has been a great mother but I have been working diligently at weaning the puppies. They enjoy their Wellness Puppy Kibble now, soaked overnight in water and served up with some goat’s milk. MMmmmmmm.

This also means Phoebe is finished with clean up so my workload has significantly increased. If I could get right to it rather than playing with them each time I lean over their pen I could get back to my day job. Wait! This IS my day job. Love it!

 Finally got some photos. They weren’t what I’d hoped for but I will try again next Friday and work with them on their ‘stand’ command which right now goes in one ear and out the other! Enjoy.

Dee Dee

Dee Dee’s Profile


Filer’s Profile–
He has more color on his other side.


GoGo’s Profile


Katie’s Profile
A very sweet girl.


Maxie’s profile


Gotta love his attitude!
He was really into this photo thing.


Sammy’s Profile
He was so not into standing!


Turbo is the big boy–but very polite!

Ten Days in Review

I cannot believe twelve days have flown by since my last post. Here’s what has kept me so busy!

Friday, May 7: Puppies are twenty-four days old. It is a non-day for me as I had an unpleasant out-patient health exam. No details necessary except to say I received a clean bill of health. Had puppy breath to enjoy when I got home!

Saturday, May 8: Puppies received their second pedicure. Some of them are not happy. Hopefully this exercise will not only prevent scratches on Phoebe’s belly but will acclimate the pups to having their toes handled.

Sunday, May 9: Puppies have their first licks of warm goat’s milk. They love it and lick the bowl clean in minutes. They are rollicking with each other and doing this little crab back-up thing…like someone threw the gear shift suddenly into reverse.

Wednesday, May 12: I’ve started to wean the puppies. Mixed some canned puppy food–Wellness brand–in with the warm goat’s milk. Took them all of half a minute to realize how much they liked it. Reminded me of Mikey in that 1970’s commercial for a breakfast cereal. He likes it! The only ones who don’t are the two little ones who have always been at the lowest end of the weight scale. I’m guessing their tummies just aren’t ready and give them each warm goat’s milk in the bottle.

Thursday, May 13: Cut Phoebe’s food back to three meals a day. That and whatever she cleans up once the puppies have finished eating.

 Friday, May 14: I am so worried about our littlest one. He is not taking any solids still and won’t take the goat’s milk either. I take him out of the pen for a private meal with his mom which works.
Saturday, May 15: The littlest girl starts to nibble at the warmed milk and puppy food. The boy is still nursing Phoebe to supplement. He did lick at some of the milk in the dish. Thank heaven!

Sunday, May 16: Phoebe is almost finished nursing. Once a day just to relieve the pressure. Puppies are getting four meals a day and all are eating well. Woo hoo!!!

Monday, May 17: Photo session this week with puppies in their show stances. Maybe we’ll even play outside in the grass if the weather is nice. Stay tuned!

It’s A Tough Job But….

Thought I’d share a few photos. Puppies are learning to pee on the piddle pad. Not too difficult. I just put it in the corner of their box where they already relieve themselves. Hopefully they will get the picture and continue to use the pad when they are in their x-pen.

They are still sleeping most of the day but when they are awake they are playing with their litter mates. It is so cute to see them challenging each other with their play growls then tipping over sideways before converting the growl into play bites. They always sleep in a huge pile which I find endearing and Phoebe is still quite protective of them when the big girls come around.

Puppy Breath has to be the best!   Or, maybe it’s Puppy Kisses!

Puppies sleeping after a busy morning nursing and socializing.We call this pose the Buddha Belly.

Meora meets a puppy and Phoebe gets a well deserved hug.

Time Flies–Time to Name the Puppies!

Puppies had their first pedicure today. Out of the eight, six were very cooperative. The other two are the ones who make all the noise–so no surprise there.

This is also the point in time where I am assembling names. Since the puppies were born the day before and on April 14 and 15 (two after midnight), we are calling this our Tax Day Litter!

Names we are considering so far are:

1. Carneys Best Deduction (Bess)
2. Carneys Rapid Refund (Rufus)
3. Carneys Maximum Return (Max)
4. Carneys Going For That Extension (Go-Go)
5. Carneys Lovin’ Uncle Sam (Sammy)
6. Carneys Turbo My Return (Turbo)
7. Carneys Filing Just In Time (Filer)
8. Carneys Better than A 401K (KK)
9. Carneys Me and the IRS (Iris)
10. Carneys Sugar Sweet Asset (Sugar)
11.Carneys Purest Profit (Essie)

 If you have any suggestions to add–please do so!

Also, if you are so inclined vote on your three favorites.