My Annotated List of Puppy Supplies
Equipment for Your Havanese Puppy (Updated 5/6/21)
The first few days with a puppy are very special ones. Make sure the course is as smooth as possible. Here are a few things you may want to have on hand.
1. Carrier
If you plan to travel on an airplane with your Havanese it is wise to purchase a sturdy
carrier that is airline approved and will fit under the seat of your airplane. Get a size that will be large enough for your puppy when he is full grown. Plan to spend about $30-50.
Note: I recently purchased a roller carrier on Which I think I am going to LOVE. ( )
2. Harness and leash
Because a Havanese puppy is so small, I don’t recommend collars. Instead, a harness with a
leash. The size harness you will want will be small (up to 4 pound pup) for pups up to 10 weeks old. Or small (5-10 pound pup)…10 weeks to 4 months for most pups.
3. Crate.
I recommend the open wire crates with a removable floor (for cleaning) and a divider that
will create a smaller space for sleeping until the pup is completely housebroken. A crate appropriate for a 15 pound dog is more than sufficient. Mine are 18”x 18” x 24”. Any larger gives the pup too much space inside.
4. Exercise Pen (X-pen)
The 8 panel, 24” tall, pen is fine. Some come with interior gates to reduce the size of the
crate for little puppies. Helps keep them from using the extra space as a bathroom! You can buy a second one if you want more space.
5. Food bowls.
Ceramic or stainless steel are best. Puppies will chew plastic ones. And they get yucky!
Smaller is good (5” max/ 1⁄2 cup).
6. Food.
Your puppy has been eating a combination of these two formulas:
https: //
Feel free to give either food and you can gradually switch to something else if you want. But GRADUAL is the key word here.
Do not give your puppy grain free foods without first consulting your veterinarian. Feel free to switch out with any good dog food that is formulated for puppies. But avoid grain free.
Puppies are used to three meals a day…about 1⁄4 cup per meal. This varies from puppy to puppy and is hard to gauge as I provide their food in one large bowl. I am still softening it with water a couple hours before each meal.
7. Toys
Puppies love toys! Lots of toys keep their interest away from furniture, cords and shoes!
Tough rubber toys for teething are good, especially the small “Kong” toys you can stuff with
yogurt and freeze. Squeaky toys are good too. Just don’t spend a lot on these squeaky toys as they pup will likely dismember it in a few weeks! NO rawhide. And NOTHING made in China that goes in their mouth!!!
8. Housetraining
The pups have become quite proficient at using a litter box. (They actually train themselves…I take little credit for this!)
It is the same kind of box/tray used for cats. But it is filled with pine pellets, NOT clumping kitty litter. Here is one link from
https: // ct&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=Frisco&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAjw7di EBhB-EiwAskVi1300PG_hHljeHM6PJICZ6vTV0GeEIP5gs798neFpYMgO1HiuQr1JchoCsIwQAvD _BwE
If you plan to potty your dog outdoors you can spread some of the used pellets in your designated area and the puppy will pick up the scent and get the picture! The pellets will disintegrate in the rain.
10. Nail Clippers and Brush
Your puppy is used to having his nails trimmed. I do this to reduce their angst down the
road. You can use a human nail clipper for now…the kind that clip from the side are good. Recently I also discovered these LED lit clippers that my daughter uses for our new grandson’s nails and I have to say I love it! Here is the link on Amazon:
https: // /B008DIYAE8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&th= 1
Later you will need a regular dog nail trimmer.
I like pin brushes best for general grooming. Again, puppy is used to this and it is a good idea to continue to brush him 2-3 times a week just for a few minutes. When their coat is longer you may want to use a slicker brush but get the kind with tips that prevent the wires from scratching their skin.
11. 5-6” long Nylabones. Do not use rawhide chews for puppies and always supervise your puppy when he is chewing any kind of bones.
12. For potty accidents I recommend Natures Miracle spray. There are all kinds of sizes as well as special formulas for hardwood floors, laundry, etc. The best product I’ve found for removing urine odors and stains.
13. Bathing supplies should include shampoo, conditioner and detangler when their coat is longer. For the first two, I actually use Tresemee’ or Suave brands that you can find in most grocery and drug stores. For the detangler I use Christensen’s Ice on Ice Detangler which can be purchased online. There are several other brands available at pet stores.
14. Bottle of 3% Peroxide. It will come in handy if your puppy ingests any toxic substance.
15. Can of pumpkin (not pie filling!) for loose stools.
16. Jar of probiotic powder for healthy skin and tummy. This is very optional.
https: // 42/ref=sr_1_24?crid=28UZISSL9SMU6&dchild=1&keywords=probiotics+for+dogs&qid=1592515 638&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=probiotics%2Caps%2C183&sr=1-24