Update on Georgie (now Brutus)

Hi Jacqui, hope you received my little video of Brutus. (It’s at the bottom of this post!)
I accidently touched the send button before I typed in the message. Just wanted to let you know how much he loves the blanket you sent home with him. My husband jokes that we should have called him Linus.

Michelle writes:
Brutus (Georgie) likes to be close to me, I was sitting at the table reading and he squeezed his little head between my foot and the bar on the chair and took a little nap.

On Sept. 9 Michelle wrote:
Brutus was not very happy when I blocked him from the big rocks. Thank you for letting me know about the dangers of jumping when they are pups. I was going to ask the vet tomorrow when we go for our first visit with his new vet. I don’t know why I didn’t thinly to ask you if it could harm him.

 With the photo below she wrote:  It was definitely meant for us to have the biggest and not the smallest puppy from the liter. This was snapped just before we had a discussion on why little boy can not touch my puppy unless the are sitting on the floor with Aunt Shell next to them.

Two very happy smiles. These are the shots that warm my heart. 
When Brutus is not napping on the vent (which we closed off so he won’t get sick from air blowing directly on him) he enjoys napping on his place mat.

Update on Boomer

For those who may not remember, Boomer was one of the two puppies I had to bottle feed because he was so small. Not so anymore!!! Here is a report and photos from his new family.

Hi Jacqui!
I wanted to give you a little update on Jackson (aka Boomer)! He is doing GREAT!  We can’t believe we got so lucky to have such a good little puppy!
He is growing so much and at his last Vet visit weighed in at about 4.5 lbs!  He has completely adjusted to the routine at our house and has even learned a few little tricks!
His latest is ringing the bell at the back door everytime he needs to take a potty break outside (Yea! No more accidents in the house!) Right off the bat we were able to teach him to fetch (his favorite game to play) and last week he learned to “sit” and “shake” on command!  He can follow with the leash and is learning to stay in the yard… Such a smart boy!
Our favorite time with him is after Logan goes to bed and he gets some quiet couch time with Joel and I and lot’s of extra snuggles…. 
He’s so sweet and loves to play… doesn’t chew on much (other than his toys) and is definitely my little shadow during the day when it’s just him and I. Everyone who meets him is smitten and I’ve passed out your website/blog to a few people like us who may be looking for a puppy in the future!
 We are so happy with him!
Hope everything is going well,
Enjoy the pictures!


Havanese Puppy Update: Storm

Storm left with her forever home on Sept. 14 when she was 9 weeks old. She is one of Phoebe’s puppies with a spunky personality and a passion for giving lots of kisses. A Canadian citizen now, here are some of Storm’s family’s comments about her. And, yes, they decided to keep her name as it pretty much describes her personality!

Well, she is still doing great.  Had a perfect visit to the vet today.  Barely even barked at the shot she got.  The vet used to live in Michigan and volunteered with the Havanese Rescue Society.  He was so happy to see her as he says we just don’t see this type of dog around here.  That made me feel good that he was so familiar with the breed.

She weighed 3.1 pounds so is definitely growing.  We go back in a month again for more shots.

She loves to run and play several times a day and then sleeps like a baby after.  She has slept through the night once but usually gets up once or twice still.  Not too bad.  She goes right back to sleep with no issues after she wakes.

I haven’t taken any pictures at the winery yet but here are a couple from our house.

She is a precious little girl.  | have completely fallen in love with her.  My husband who grew up with larger farm dogs plays with her all night when he gets home from work.  She really likes him and goes nuts when he gets home.

We are having 6 people over tomorrow for a birthday party so we will see how she does with so many around her.

Will update more later.

Havanese Puppy Update: Blaze

Blaze was our littlest puppy of all sixteen but don’t tell him that because he won’t believe you. Big things do come in small packages. He has a heart as big as a forest and a personality to match.

He is now living just around the corner from me with a family of two adults and their three children. I am so glad we found such a good home for this little trooper…and that I will (hopefully) see him from time to time.

Here’s what his family has to say about Blaze, now renamed Flash for the current super hero!

Hi Jacqui
Just wanted to let you know that we are having a blast with our Flash! He has a spectacular (and very feisty) personality and is so loving and affectionate. He already knows to ring the bells to get outside and he’s doing very well with his potty training. We just love him!! Thank you is much for giving him such a great start!! He is very happy and very very loved!!

PS I will send a few more photos for you!!

And I forgot to tell you that he weighed 3.2 pounds at the vet on 9-7. He’s really growing!

Note: If you are new to my blog you may not know that this little guy weighed 2.8 ounces when he was born! I tube fed then bottle fed him for three weeks. Now he’s making up his slow start which really warms my heart. Can’t wait to hear how big he is in a year.