Author: Jacqueline Carney
Maggie/Stora Puppies Are Here!
Maggie whelped 4 beautiful puppies last Sunday. Three girls and one boy! Maggie is black and white and Stora is red so I had no idea what we’d get. I actually figured all black and white because it is a dominant color combination. But it turns out three have more red than black! The fourth, a much smaller little girl, is black and white like her mama.
We Are Expecting Puppies!
Maggie is pregnant and due January 20!
Sire is Lorrie Jergensen’s beautiful boy, Stora.
I love everything about this boy …. and, of course, about Maggie!
Stay tuned!!
Puppy Play at 8 Weeks!
This is a wonderful age! Unfortunately for Gabby she is now too big to fit under the cabinet. But Fozzy is still a fit and loves to taunt his sister!!
Meet Tillie
Tillie is an older puppy. She just turned 9 months old. I had hoped to show her because of her wonderful conformation and her sparkling personality. Unfortunately, she will likely be too small for my program (she weighs about 9 pounds). So I am looking for a forever home for her.
There is nothing Tillie will not try or challenge. She is very smart! Tillie loves to play, is very affectionate and is very outgoing. She would be a great companion for young children or for adults who can keep up with her energy.
Tillie has passed the “chewing” stage. She is used to using a doggie door, a pee pad and is potty trained though she does not indicate when she has to go out to potty so a regular schedule is a good idea for her.
Tillie has passed all the health testing appropriate for her age including patellas, eyes, heart and hearing. Tillie comes from a long line of champions who also have great health records.
Send me a note if you would like to learn more about this sweet girl.