Author: Jacqueline Carney
Puppy Pix

Pretty Luna…Dark Red Sable and White. Now the biggest of the lot.

Our pretty boy Eclipse!

Moonstruck (back) and Luna (in protest!)

Rare moment….Moonstruck sleeping.

Eclipse (left) and Moonstruck wrestling.

Sleeping Luna

I love this! Moonstruck at midnight; Eclipse at 3 PM; Luna at 6 and Moonlight at 9.
So Much Has Happened!
What a busy week for us here at Carneys Haven! The puppies are growing by leaps and bounds. They all doubled their birthweight by day 9. Their little pink noses are beginning to turn black. And today, on day 14, their eyes are beginning to open!
Here are some closeups with their new names…all related to the Wolf Blood Moon lunar eclipse.

This is Moonlight. She is the smallest one of the bunch but is definitely holding her own. Like the others, she doubled her birthweight by day 9! Luna is a black parti. Today Moonlight weighs 12.9 ounces.

This is our boy, Eclipse. He was the second one born. Weighed in at 5.9 ounces and is now 15.5! He is a dark red sable parti.

This is Moonstruck. She is a pretty red parti. Her eyes were the last to open but they slightly open now. Moonstruck was the last to be born and was quite a bit larger than the others at first. But Eclipse and Luna have passed by her as of a couple days ago! Today she weighed 15.9 ounces.

This is Luna. She was the first born and is a dark red sable parti. Her eyes are open but her little nose hasn’t quite turned all black yet. As of yesterday, she is the biggest of the bunch at 1 pound, 1 ounce.