Tango and Tiger’s Puppies Have Arrived!

Tango whelped 5 beautiful puppies last night. We have 2 girls and 3 boys. My boy Tiger, now loved and owned  by my friend Pat Crane, is the sire. All are doing well and, as you can see, Tango is a very proud Mama!!


The cream (6 o’clock) and the red sable (1 o’clock) are the girls. The three sable/white pups are boys.
















This is Tiger the day he got his Championship with his handler, Darius McPhall. He comes from a long line of champions on both his sire’s and his dam’s sides.

This is Tango with her handler, Christy Collins, the day she won her championship. Tango went on to win her Grand Championship just 6 weeks later!










Upcoming Breedings

Things are quiet around Carneys Haven right now but we are looking to the near future when we plan to breed Meri and Tango.

With the COVID issues, we are not sure when we will return to Michigan but have very handsome boys to use for stud but one will likely be Tiger. All 3 are pictured below.

This is Tango. She is red and white and has a bit of a bossy disposition tho she is quick to back off if another dog doesn’t appreciate it! Tango is an AKC Grand Champion and has her CHIC rating which means she has passed all the health testing required by the Havanese Club of America.


This is Meri. Our pretty girl is a Grand Champion. Meri is also red and white and she turned 2 last August. This will be her second litter. That’s me on her lead!


This is Tiger. He is a sable parti, has a “love the world” disposition and will sit on your lap all day long if allowed!