Today is Saturday! And it’s Puppy Culture Time!!!

And it is a big Saturday! We are 4 weeks old now and ready to embark on the first week of our Puppy Culture adventures.

Puppy Culture is a protocol developed to enhance a puppy’s natural growth and development, to capitalize on it so that they will grow up to be well adjusted and confident puppies which segways into their overall health and success…be it as a show dog or as a wonderful family pet! The ideal time period for this is 3 to 12 weeks. That is not to say a puppy can’t become socialized, well adjusted and confident after 12 weeks. It is just that after 12, maybe 13 weeks, these qualities take a little more time and effort to instill because the puppy  is beyond the “sweet spot ” where this training is almost second nature.

Sienna’s puppies are just now leaving the “Transitional Period”. This period begins when the puppy’s eyes open and end when they demonstrate the ability to hear sounds.The Puppy Culture protocol puts this period at about 3 weeks. What I have learned is that Havanese (and probably other toy and smaller breeds) develop a bit more slowly…maybe as much as a week later. It is no big deal…it is just that applying some adventures too soon could be wasted effort. So, while the Puppy Culture protocol starts at Week 3 when larger pups eyes are open, Sienna’s pup’s eyes didn’t fully open until the very end of Week 3.

The orange, the water bowl and the pee pans…which they are using!!!

Last week, as part of the Transitional Period,  we explored new things in our whelping pen. An orange…round, heavy and citrus-y smelling. Different toys. A water bowl. A pee pan.

The next period in the Puppy Culture program is the “Socialization Period,” a period that would be silly to address if they can’t see or hear! So while larger breeds may begin this period at 3 weeks, my Havanese puppies typically arent ready until about 4 weeks.

Some of the things I will be doing with them this week are moving their whelping box from my bedroom to a private space between our family room  and the “dog room” where my other five dogs sleep and eat,  and the outside (fenced in) play area where my dogs spend the rest of their time.

I will also be separating the puppies individually from their litter and giving them lots of tender 0ne-0n-one loving.

Inviting people to come visit (with certain precautions being taken) and play with the puppies.


Stay tuned for more posts about the wonders of raising dogs with the Puppy Culture protocol.

In the meantime, you can google it for more information and ways to continue the exercises once the puppy is in your home!




Sienna’s puppies are really into their new food!



And “nailing it” with potty training at just 3 1/2 weeks!



3 Weeks Old Now….So much has happened!

All of Sienna’s puppies now have eyes open! And are they ever motoring around their little casa!

We had our second dose of dewormer Sunday…and our second pedicure. I can’t say they are any more excited about the pedicures…it is a process!!

We have also started Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) which is the first step in making them stronger and more relaxed about challenges. You can read more about ENS here:

I have also removed the pig rails from their whelping box so they and Sienna have more room to move around. But it won’t be long before they will want an even bigger house…isn’t that always the way!!

All tuckered out after their first ENS session! Note the missing pig rails!

But the biggest news of all is that they LOVED their first plated meal…even if they weren’t sure about table manners! (No feet on the table please! LOL)

You might also notice the disposable pee pad that is now in their box. This is the beginning of potty training!! They don’t know yet what a wonderful opportunity pee pads present for the shredding game. That comes soon enough. In the meantime, their little pee scent will be on this pad which will soon be moved to a “litter box.” Stay tuned to this channel for more~!!

Week 3 Begins!

Sienna’s puppies are really beginning to devlop now! Most of their eyes are open…a couple are still just half way there…the littler ones. Sunday (at 2 weeks old) they got their first pedicure! 7 pups X 18 wiggly toes…126 toes altogether!

They also got their first dose of dewormer. This is precautionary. All puppies are born with intestinal parasites…passed on from their mom in utero. My adults get regular doses of dewormer about every other month but even then they pick things up inbetween from being outside. Adults can tolerate parasites to some extent. Puppies, on the other hand, are very susceptible to complications! So they get dewormed every 2 weeks with two different formulas that treat different varieties of parasites.

Besides eyes opening, they also are getting pigment devlopment on their noses. I hate to see the pink noses disappear… wish they could stay forever! Oh well!

Here are some pix!


Eevee is a red sable parti (means some white). His eyes are just beginning to open but his nose is getting pigment.



Pikachu has beautiful eyes! and his nose is almost fully pigmented.



Pansear’s eyes are also open and partial nose pigment. She is really moving around too!



Togepi. Isn’t he adorable! Some of his coat is getting a bit of color…maybe apricot like his mom. Some nose pigment too!



Ash has some nose pigment and it’s difficult to see, because of his black coat. but his eyes are fully open!



Swirlix is getting more coat color too. And check out those beautiful eyes!


Our little guy, Luxio, is still waiting to see the light! But his nose is completely black.