Two Weeks Old and Growing!!

Meri and Striker’s pups are 2 1/2 weeks old. Their eyes are just beginning to open. When they were born, they found their mother by their keen senses of smell and touch. They will soon see…albeit very foggily. Their hearing will begin to develop in a week or so. Every day there are changes!!



One Week Old!

It always amazes me how quickly these little guys grow! They have already almost doubled their birth weight! Eyes are still closed and their hearing is not yet developed. They find Meri by smell and touch. It is so cute to watch them rooting around the bed she sleeps in to find her. And their little grunts and beeps are so endearing!

Meri Has Her Puppies!

Meri delivered 4 beautiful puppies on Thursday. Striker is the sire…a very handsome boy indeed.

Here are pix of Mom and Dad.

This is Meri. Our pretty girl is a Grand Champion. She turned 2 last August and this is litter. That’s me on lead.

And here are the puppies.









And this is Striker. Isn’t he handsome. Striker is a bronze Grand Champion….all owner handled by my friend Karen Warnacke.


We have two boys and two girls. They are almost all white with pretty sable markings around their heads.






Mother and babies are doing well! But Meri did have a difficult time with this delivery so she had to have a c-section. I made the decision to have her spayed because, while she didn’t need a c-section for her first litter, it was a very prolonged labor. I didn’t want to put her thru that again.

All puppies are spoken for.





A Lot Has Happened!

It has been over two weeks. A few things took precedence…including a 3 day stay in the hospital for me!! I am fine and happy to be on the bright side of this earth. And I am so thankful for my family for taking such good care of the babies!!

Here are a couple videos for starters. The first one is one of their first meals of kibble mush.

And this one is the puppies playing with Fozzie Bear, my 3 month old. He is sooooooo happy to have friends who will actually romp with him!

And now for a Puppy Culture session with packaging!