Author: Jacqueline Carney
So Many Puppies, So Little Time!
I’m sorry for my lack of posts this week. Puppies moved into their big puppy pen with lots more room and two litter boxes which they took to immediately!
Here are some photos for you.
I’ll post a video this afternoon.
4 Weeks Old
The puppies are playing so well with each other! Fun to watch them pull and tug on each other. Here are some updated photos.

This is Mary, as in Mary Wilson of The Supremes. She weighs 1 # 12 oz.

This is Mary again. Love the colors on all these pups!


Florence weighs 1# 9 oz.

This is Marvin. Right now he’s the smallest, at 1# 6 oz., but this will likely change.

Marvin as in Marvin Gaye…another Motown superstar!

And Diana (as in Ross) who weighs 1#, 13 oz…just beating out her sister by 1 ounce.
