Meri Has Her Puppies!

Meri delivered 4 beautiful puppies on Thursday. Striker is the sire…a very handsome boy indeed.

Here are pix of Mom and Dad.

This is Meri. Our pretty girl is a Grand Champion. She turned 2 last August and this is litter. That’s me on lead.

And here are the puppies.









And this is Striker. Isn’t he handsome. Striker is a bronze Grand Champion….all owner handled by my friend Karen Warnacke.


We have two boys and two girls. They are almost all white with pretty sable markings around their heads.






Mother and babies are doing well! But Meri did have a difficult time with this delivery so she had to have a c-section. I made the decision to have her spayed because, while she didn’t need a c-section for her first litter, it was a very prolonged labor. I didn’t want to put her thru that again.

All puppies are spoken for.





Some Individual Photos of our Country Legends.

The puppies are 3 days old and gaining well. Their numbers are their birth order. Names to follow soon. We are calling them our Country Legends Litter.


Puppy #5, Hank (Williams),  is a boy. He is also a dark sable parti.

Puppy #1, AKA Patsy (Cline),  is a red sable girl.

Puppy #3, AKA Tammy (Wynette), is a girl. She was born very white but we are seeing some patches of cream working their way in.

Puppy #4, Jimmie (Rogers), is a dark sable with lots of white. Also called a sable parti.

Puppy #2, Johnny (Cash), is a dark sable pied which means he has more color than white. He is a boy.

Maggie’s Pups at 2 Weeks!

Woody, our male tri-color at 10 days old.

This is Wren, a red parti girl

This is Sparrow. She is also a red parti girl.

And this is Robin, a tri-color girl.

We are calling this our Birds in the Garden litter!

Sire is Stora, a beautiful red male from Europe.

And Now for Candids



Pearl likes her shoelaces




Sable and Sandy

It took over an hour to tire the pups up today. They love the open expanse of my bedroom, especially the “cave” under my bed. I put out a bunch of toys and they play and play while I clean and clean!

The good news is, I was able to finally get some good stills.

And a bunch of these were taken by one of my families when they came to visit. Thankyou Denise and Larry!

Cole and Pearl

Sandy, all tuckered out!




Lavender with her killer eyes!

Sweet Onyx

Sleepy Onyx



Sandy and Lavender



And, oh so tired!


All I Can Say is “Whew, we are busy!”

A couple videos of the pups today. In the second video the pups are playing on a teeter totter I created from two walls of my whelping box. They love it and while they play they are learning a new skill. Balance, confidence and unpredictable surroundings all come to play in this!