Author: Jacqueline Carney
Introducing Our Glorious Fall Litter!
Luna’s puppies are growing by leaps and bounds! Their little pink noses are beginning to turn black. Eyes should begin to open in another week or so.
And, thanks to my grandson, they now have names. Our theme is Glorious Fall.

This is Autumn. She weighs 264 grams!

This is Boo! She is the largest pup at 338 grams.

This is Nutmeg. Her name fits her coloring perfectly. She weighs 258 grams.

This is Pumpkin Spice. I love her coloring! She weighs 302 grams.

This is Shadow. He weighs 304 grams.

And this is Spooky. He weighs 264 grams.
Puppies Have Arrived!
Luna delivered 6 beautiful puppies on Monday. I should actually say my vet delivered them as she had a c-section! LOL.
She has recovered extremely well and is one of the most attentive puppy moms I have had. To the point of moving them to a different place in my bedroom if she isn’t happy with the whelping box. It took some convincing to ensure her that the whelping box is really the best place. Amazing how those canine instincts come into play.
Puppies are getting their Day 4 weigh ins! The two sables are girls.
The black parti (left) is a girl.
The two mostly black pups are boys.
And the mostly white one is a girl.
Struggling with names so stay tuned on that!
We have already begun our Puppy Culture protocol. This week is fairly simple. Gentle handling, belly rubs and soothing voice (which they probably cant hear yet but they still get the ‘vibes’.
Meet Rosie!
Breeders note: Rosie has gone to live with a Chicago family that already has two of our Havanese. I am so happy for them all!
This is Rosie! She is 10 weeks old and full of spunk and vinegar. I brought Rosie into my kennel with the hopes of showing this beautiful girl and then, after her health testing was completed and passed, breeding her. Rosie is actually out of a girl I bred, Lucy, who is my Luna’s littermate. Lucy lives with a breeder friend of mine. So I was very excited to meet her.
But Rosie has other ideas!!
She is going to be too small to be a great show girl. While I like my girls to be between 10 and 12 pounds, Rosie will likely mature at about 8-9 pounds. Beyond that she is healthy, loves to play with her room mates and do all the things 10 week old puppies do.
If you would like to learn more about Rosie, drop me a note at
Looking For A Warm, Loving Home
As a breeder I think the most difficult time is not when a family is upset with me because I don’t think my puppy is a good fit. It is not when one of my fur children get sick. It is not when I lose a puppy during the whelping process.
No, though all these moments are very, very difficult, the most painful time is when I have to place one of my adult dogs that have lived with me for 2,3 or 4 years…that have starred in the show ring…that have wrapped themselves around my heart…that have become an integral part of my family.
For the younger ones, it is often that some trait has revealed itself that is not good to breed to. A minor structure issue. A health issue that, while resolved, might not be the best to pass on to future generations. For the older ones it is most often that they have passed their breeding prime and it would be asking too much of their little bodies to continue.
Well bred and well cared for Havanese can live a very long time…15, 17 even 20 years.
And, sadly, once they have finished with the show ring and have finished making babies, they take a back seat in the pack. Not a bad seat, mind you. At least not my dogs. But I can no longer offer them the attention they deserve.
So if I can find the perfect family for them. The family that will love on them every day. That will daily take them for walks, play with their toys, maybe teach them new tricks (or not!), cuddle with them on the sofa…I make the decision that is right for them.
These wonderful dogs are fully health tested, are current on all their vaccines, are trained to use a pee pad or potty outdoors (tho they may not be trained to indicate these needs). They will have been neutered. They are usually beyond the time when puppy-ness is part of their play…chewing, nipping, etc. They are trained to walk on a leash and enjoy the company of other people and dogs. And, most of the surprises that are inherent in adopting a new puppy have already been discovered. Their temperaments. Their likes, dislikes, good habits, bad habits, health issues, etc. So I can place them with a family knowing it will be as perfect a fit as I can arrange.
These dogs will make wonderful companions for their new families! As for price, these dogs are the same price as my puppies but come with all the aforementioned advantages!
I will probably have two such dogs to place this fall…both black and white females. If you think you might be interested in being considered for one of them please contact me. I will ask you to fill out the questionnaire on the ‘form’ section of this website.